
Poverty Research Institute

True Poverty Level Calculator
Click here to find out how much income you need to cover the cost of basic needs of your family in New Jersey.

LSNJ created the Poverty Research Institute (PRI) in 1997 to assemble data and other information that would assist in its mission of providing civil legal aid. Such information can pinpoint the location, demographics, and other aspects of poverty, helping fashion more effective and efficient legal responses and solutions. Periodically, as a public service, PRI publishes reports and statistics gleaned from this data to enhance public awareness of poverty’s scope, causes, consequences, and remedies. Greater knowledge about poverty can produce public policy decisions that can alleviate some of the legal problems of those living in its grasp, and thereby further serve LSNJ’s core mission. PRI is New Jersey’s first and only entity exclusively focused on developing and updating information on poverty in the state.

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