"Reimagining the Foster Parent System," featuring the LSNJ film, "A Partnership of Hope: One Family's Story," was the first in LSNJ's webinar series Supporting and Preserving Families. Presenters included Jody Rogers, birth parent mentor, and Robyn Robbins, foster parent mentor, from the Birth and Foster Parent Program; Diana, a member of LSNJ's Reunified Youth Foster Forum; Dr. Susan Esquilin, child welfare expert, and Jey Rajaraman, former Chief Counsel of the Family Representation Project (later renamed Family Stability and Preservation project).
After viewing the film, presenters delved into a significant and timely theme: Rethinking how resource parents can support the reunification process. Parents, resource parents, and former foster youth discussed the various ways resource parents can support reunification. Participants then discussed what New Jersey should do to support families and foster parents working toward reunification, with a focus on case planning and best practices for supporting reunification.
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